1 month without posting any videos... and I stopped counting on my blog! But I have an excuse... or sort of? My life has been a mess these days, my wife and I left Antibes in late January and we have been living between Le Havre, Strasbourg, and Toulouse since then My life has been a mess lately, I am desperately looking for a new apartment, cause yes we are settling down...
I've been thinking a lot lately about the future content of my Youtube Channel and my blog. I will, of course, continue to share the behind-the-scenes of some of my photoshoots and some of my secrets as well. I will show you a little bit better how I make my images, the techniques I use, and maybe the way I retouch and color grade my photos. But if I want to share quality stuff, that is one of my main goals in 2018, you will have to be patient... Because it takes some time, to prepare, shoot and edit, I am not a full-time blogger and YouTuber.
But back to this session, I've been experimenting with new things lately in my sports and dance photography and I need to experiment furthermore before telling you anything about my process. Sequence shots, adding new props, and testing new light setups, will be on the menu of my future videos. For this Handball session, I wanted to try a few sequence shots, but I didn't want to use the usual technique.
Basically, you can make a sequence shot in one unique photo with a long exposure image by firing multiple flashes which will freeze the movement and create the sequence. The problem with that technique is that you cannot play with the opacity of the sequence in post. So I tried, the photoshop way by taking multiple shots and combining them in post
Katarina Stosic
Shot with the 5D mark III
1/200sec at f7,1 ISO320 - 38mm

I wanted to add that surreal atmosphere with a bit of fog or smoke, but with the blending of several pictures, it would have been hard to make it work. So I decided to add smoke digitally...
Shot with the 5D mark III
1/200sec at f6,3 ISO250 - 24mm

I have used smoke in the past, fog machines, and smoke grenades, there are cons and pros of the different techniques. I will talk about all of them further down the road because I haven't yet mastered the techniques.
Shot with the 5D mark III
1/200sec at f6,3 ISO320 - 24mm

Huge thanks to the talented Katarina Stosic, a pro Handball player in Le Havre at the time of the shoot.
There will be at least one blog post each week, so be sure to subscribe to the newsletter if you don't want to miss future posts. What have you been up to lately? Do you use props, smoke on your photoshoots? Are you a master at sequence shots?